TetuanValley: When you find your competitors
In the last weeks, some teams at TetuanValley found their competitors (so did we), and these are some of our thoughts on the situation.
A basic part in every project, the step to be taken as soon as a good idea comes into mind, is starting a research on what is already done on the field, if somebody already had your idea, if it was executed and how was it carried out.
It is at that moment when you start looking for similar services to yours and when you ask everyone their opinion (your idea is not a secret, sharing it is not going to generate competitors and lets you see your idea’s nuances). You have then a list of services similar to yours, but not identic: some provide only certain functions, others provide most of them. But The Competitor finally appears: a service so similiar to the one you had in mind that it provides most of the functions you wanted yours to. Two questions should be made then: Do I have something new to offer? Can we coexist?
Something new
«It’s The Execution That Matters, Not The Idea». Your conception about the idea is full of nuances which could lead you to an original solution to the problem. Some functions may appear as basic to your eyes and your competence could have forgotten them. This novel features are the true upthrust, the strongest points on your project.
We can think of different brands and services that offer more or less the same functions, adapted to their users’ needs. On our opionion, since you fulfill the standards, you do not actually keep your users; but if your platform is better than others (or has things that your users like) coexistence with competitors is possible. In fact, interaction with competitors is also possible (like sharing users who need the differential functions). Ideas are not immutable so the ways of complementing each other could be found.
There is also another competence, that which may appear after your project comes true (especially if your idea is a good one and the market is profitable). The questions to be asked then should be similar: What do I have that they do not? Can we coexist?
If the service already exists and works it is because there is a market for it.
An interesting related article:Loogic.com: ¿como debe un emprendedor afrontar la competencia?
Volando fuera del nido
Como decía en mi primer artículo, este blog podría haber comenzado en cualquier momento de 2008 o 2009, igual que Maki podía haber comenzado a lo largo de cualquier momento de 2009, como una actividad paralela a mi trabajo. Pero no, al final el motor fue la patada en el culo.
Increíble pero cierto, nada mas volver de una semana de vacaciones me notificaron que me echaban del trabajo junto a 3 compañeros. Como bien dice Jaime Estevez, despedirme es lo mejor que me podía haber pasado (he comenzado a leer su blog sobre su aventura emprendedora desde el principio y eso son 2 años). Es lo mejor porque te deja respirar durante un tiempo, parar de trabajar para otros y tener tiempo para centrarte en tus ideas con la comodidad de tener unos ingresos constantes (subsidio de desempleo) que te mantengan… incluso tienes la opción al pago único al autoempleo que puede ayudar a autoemplearte.
Tengo muuucho que informarme, pero esta es una oportunidad inmejorable.
Partitur.es: The path to music standard – GeneralMIDI and MusicXML
[aka TetuanValley Start-up School 2010 Spring Ed. post #2]
In the beginning, there was the dark… well, in the beginning there was the mess. In the 1970s, a growing electronical music devices industry provided successively more affordable products. This resulted on a series of different linking protocols. Each manufacturer (Roland, Yamaha, Oberheim) had its own standard and interfaces.
In 1981, audio engineer and synthesizer designer of Sequential Circuits, Inc., Dave Smith, proposed a digital standard for musical instruments in a paper for the Audio Engineering Society. MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), was defined in 1982 as an industry-standard protocol, with the joined forces of MIDI Manufacturers Association (MMA) from USA and MIDI Committee of the Association of Musical Electronic Industry (AMEI) from Japan. The MIDI Specification 1.0 was then published in August 1984. The creation of MIDI broke the so-called «wall of sinthesizers». But the important year for standarized music notation is 1991, with the publication of General MIDI (GM).
MIDI has gone far beyond notated music (General MIDI, GM), allowing computers, synthesizers, MIDI controllers, etc. to control one another, to synchronize (MIDI timecode) and to exchange system data. It also allows to control stage effects on a concert, like lighting (MIDI Show Control). eXtensible Music File (XMF) describes a set of downlodable sounds in case you want to hear the same music as heard by the composer.
In 1994, another standard appeared: NIFF, Notation Interchange File Format. It was mainly used on Music OCR (Optical character recognition) software as the exportable result of scanning a chord on paper. NIFF was abandoned by their creators and sponsors in 2006.
In 2004 an open XML-based music notation file format that was the natural replace for GM was presented: MusicXML. It was developed by Recordare LLC, but with not-so-free license free of charge free license and just copyright trademark. MusicXML 2.0 was designed in 2007, including the definition for a compressed file (a nice improvement, because XML text documents are bigger than necessary). By 2010, more than 120 software programs use this format as well as their own one, becoming the de-facto standard one for shared music chords.
At Partitur.es we are going to deal mainly with GeneralMIDI and MusicXML, but we are open to cover other formats (Guido, NIFF or whatever our users say they need) on the import/export following the DataPortability ideals.
La idea y la investigación
En el primer segundo, la idea llega a tu cabeza por cualquier estímulo del exterior: un problema. Tu cabeza piensa que ese problema puede tener una solución. durante un tiempo, rumias la idea en tu cabeza perfilando la solución, pensando que quitar que poner, hasta donde llegar (normalmente poniendo como límite el cielo o mas allá).
Luego bajas a la tierra y dices, ¿por qué esta solución no se le ha ocurrido a nadie antes? Y entonces es cuando comienzas a investigar que es lo que ya se ha trabajado en esa materia y descubres que hay mucho hecho, que hay ideas sueltas que agregadas de la manera correcta pueden dar una solución redonda. Tú puedes ser el pegamento que una todas las piezas para crear.
No lo neguemos, en ocasiones encuentras que tu solución está ahí, que alguien ya la inventó, pero que no hubo suficiente publicidad y por eso no llegó a tus oídos (o simplemente no estaba bajo tu radar, porque el problema no es tuyo, es de un área en la que no te habías movido previamente)… Y en ocasiones, a pesar de todo, piensas que tú lo puedes hacer mejor.
TetuanValley Start-up School 2010 Spring Ed. post #1
Con el objetivo de meter el turbo a Maki, nos hemos apuntado a la Tetuan Valley Start-Up School 2010, con el proyecto Partiture (que ha sido renombrado a Partitur.es porque el dominio nos pareció gracioso).
Cada miércoles durante 6 semanas nos dan unas lecciones sobre como emprender, mejorar la presentación de nuestra startup y nos dan con el látigo para que tengamos una demo presentable cuando acabe el curso. Como deberes fijos nos han mandado publicar un artículo en el blog semanalmente en inglés.
Aquí os dejo el artículo de esta semana que pretende ser una primera presentación de donde va nuestro proyecto (aunque no de nuestro proyecto):
Partitur.es: Share your chords
Internet is for share. From the beginning of the Internet, the idea was to join together efforts to make things. Now more people know it’s a place where whatever you are or you like, you can find somebody who like the same things as you, or who want to cooperate with you, no matter how far is from you.
Music and Internet. Lately we’ve heard a lot of bad news when this two words were together (piracy, crisis of music industry), but also we have heard new ways to improve the experience of discovering music (Last.fm, Rockola.fm or Spotify); and we know there is a huge movement around sharing lyrics and guitar-chords. And also we think, we can to make things easier to the music people with the help of internet.
Share music. Well, we aren’t talking about something is completely invented, we are talking about sharing the soul of the music: the chords. Partitur.es wants to become the place where people who love creating music come together, give them tools to share music with their colleagues and also with their fans. Partitur.es also can be used by people in chorals to have a quick repository of their repertory.
Our inspirational projects on the technical side are: Slideshare & Google Docs, where people can share their work in an easy way. We think we can do the same with chords, and help musicians an music-related people.
We are really excited with this 6-week race to make real our project, thanks to the people at TetuanValley.
Para terminar, recomiendo seguir el twitter de @tetuanvalley (y el hash tag #tetuanvalley) y echar un ojo a la lista @tetuanvalley/startupschool-spring10.
Primera etapa: Partitur.es

Un proyecto que surge de una necesidad, un primer vistazo al mercado me hace detectar que aquí se puede hacer un proyecto bonito, algo útil para los demás.
La idea central: compartir partituras musicales.
Y a partir de ahí, muchas ideas sobre como evolucionarlo, perfilarlo, como funciona, quien lo usará…
Este artículo podría haber sido escrito en algun momento indeterminado de 2009 (o incluso de 2008), cuando las ideas ya empezaban a bullir en la cabeza. Aquí comienza un proyecto ambicioso, al que seguro que habrá que echarle horas y esfuerzo, pero seguro que compensará.
Aún queda por definir nombres, logos, estrategias… incluso formar un equipo compacto para arrancar los proyectos que cabrán bajo el paraguas de Maki.
Y desde este blog contaré mi experiencia poniendo Maki en marcha, y haciendo que Maki ponga en marcha proyectos bonitos, que me enamoren a primera vista y que, sin duda, hagan algo por los demás. Si puede ser, divirtiéndome por el camino, que no hemos venido a sufrir.
Mi leit motiv: «la tecnología es una herramienta para ayudar a las personas», el slogan: Let’s roll ideas!