Makin Maki


Posted in Artículos externos by Yon on the 25 mayo 2010

[Vía: ToThinkOrNotToThink]
La motivación no viene de ganar mas dinero, sino de hacer lo que te gusta.

La política de Google de 80/20, está basada en ésto.

Artículos Inspiradores: Decálogo emprendedor, 6 lecciones de Einstein

Posted in Artículos externos by Yon on the 20 mayo 2010
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Hoy un par de listados de ideas motivadoras.

Yoriento: EmprenDIEZ: decálogo de motivación para emprendedores

1. EMPRENDE YA. No intentes “ser emprendedor”, simplemente emprende.
2. ENFÓCATE el tiempo necesario en los momentos adecuados.
3. DIVERSIFICA emprendiendo y reduce así tu riesgo profesional.
4. SE PUEDE. Lo que se aprende cuando se emprende, es que se puede emprender.
5. HOY. Las ideas no mueren, pero sí la inspiración: actúa hoy mismo.
6. CONSTRUYE ya algo básico y mejóralo luego.
7. FINANCIA la iniciativa con la ayuda de tu familia.
8. EL MERCADO nunca está “preparado”, hasta que alguien demuestra que sí y los demás ponen cara de tontos.
9. SI NO GANAS lo que vales, ¡emprende!
10. ¿Qué vas a hacer ahora?

El Punto 6 es una GRAN verdad que a muchos se nos olvida. Pero la gente de TetuanValley nos lo recordaba. Recomiendo leer el artículo para entender cada punto.

Hábitos vitales: 6 lecciones de la vida que me enseño Albert Einstein

“No tengo ningún talento especial. Solamente tengo una curiosidad pasional»

Artículos inspiradores: Venta de croqueta, Fabrice Penot

Posted in Artículos externos by Yon on the 14 mayo 2010
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Una nueva ronda de artículos inspiradores:

On the Nose – The Story Of Fabrice Penot

Le Labo’s expansion strategy, naturally, is as unorthodox as the rest of the business. «We open new stores only when the cash is in the bank. We only spend money when we have it.» Penot says.

Esto es bootstraping puro.

La venta de una croqueta

Estado actual del marketing orientado a la venta de una croqueta de bacalao.

Men Business vs Women Business?

Posted in TetuanValley by Yon on the 11 mayo 2010

Is enterpreneuring free from gender influence? Is anything we do everyday free from our own gender effects? On particular cases it is, but statistically talking it cannot be. And is that bad?

It is clear that gender stereotypes are dangerous and do not help either women or men, but it is also a fact that there are differences between men and women which go beyond the physical ones. Already at school girls and boys tend to show different preferences on subjects, activities or hobbies. Evidently, not every boy or girl, woman or men, must fit the general descriptions, but in terms of tendencies the female gender is more «people-orientated» and the male gender is more «things-orientated». Whether these facts are due to biological facts or to socialization, they exist. And they are repeated on higher levels: technological degrees, as well as Maths or Physics, are mainly chosen by men, while artistic degrees (from languages to History) and «service» ones (Medicine, Teaching, Psychology) are mainly chosen by women. Apart from the fact that there are more women than men studying at university, there is a real trend linked to gender. So, if the differences are there, would it be interesting to take them as an opportunity?

This does not mean painting our computers pink (men) or wearing flannel shirts (women). Its implications go far beyond. Businesses have been made by men for a long time, and the male way is now showing not being the best one. New business-making models are now introducing, step by step, features traditionally ascribed to women. New concepts as empathy or emotional intelligence have entered our business culture because they have proved to be useful. Work teams are usually better if there is a variety not only on professional profiles but on personal skills, too. And gender is a huge source of variability. Blending both genders best aspects does not necessarily mean having both men and women working together, but that is probably the easiest way to get it. On an ideal world all of us would have probably developed the best of all human skills and features, so our gender itself would not be important. Until that day comes, if we are sure that it is important to have complementary profiles on our enterpreneuring and work teams, let’s remember an aspect in which we are complementary per se.

To know more (or if you are just curious):

Pomodoro Time

Posted in TetuanValley by Yon on the 4 mayo 2010
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This is part of our articles for TetuanValley.

[Vía: Matrix Redesigned & ThinkWasabi]
When I start the day, I get overwhelmed with all the task I should do to accomplish an efficient working day. Last week I started a technique I recently read about: Pomodoro. The Pomodoro (tomato in italian) is just a tomato-shaped kitchen timer you have to program to let you work undistracted, concentrated on one unique task for 25 minutes. That’s all, and it’s magic.

Each period of 25 minutes is called «one pomodoro». This technique is really easy to learn (no more than one pomodoro), but true mastery takes from seven to twenty days of constant use.

How is it done?

First, you have to take your task list and bring it down in small pieces that can be accomplished in 25 minutes or less. Write down your taks on a sheet of paper in order of priority. Don’t take more than one pomodoro doing it.

Now, you start your Pomodoro timer, pick the first task and do it. Don’t let anything distract you from your work. If any interruption comes, take a quick note at the bottom of the task list and continue working. Do just one task, don’t try multi-tasking (don’t check email, while you write an essay).

When your Pomodoro finishes or you have finished your task (what happens first), take a 5 minute rest. And after that, start over again with the next task.

For each 4 pomodoros (2 hours), take a 15-20 minutes rest.

Read all the details on the official web page, and download their guide on PDF for free.

Do I need really a pomodoro-shaped timer?

No, you just need something that counts down for 25 minutes, ticking in front of you, reminding you are working on one unique task. Well, also you can pick up an application for your computer or smartphone to do the work. Check out at ThinkWasabi

Artículos inspiradores: emprendimiento, proyectos, organización…

Posted in Artículos externos by Yon on the 4 mayo 2010

Unos cuantos artículos sobre: emprendimiento, proyectos en internet, organización del trabajo… sin duda buenas reflexiones.